The story begins in 1979 with Virginie’s father’s creation of a vineyard in the scree, at the foot of Cézanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire, in Puyloubier. Busy with his pastimes, the farmer did not have the time to build his own wine cellar, and it is the trade that benefits from the quality of his wine. But it is evident that he loved his job and shared his passion, since his daughter Virginie, decided to embark on her own adventure. To start off with solid foundations, she had the excellent idea of studying at the Montpellier wine school. This was the right choice for two reasons, since as well as the quality education that was provided and absorbed, she met the young man who would become her partner, Guillaume Philip, in a lecture theatre. We don’t know if it was love at first sight, which for the young winemakers would have been logical, but this love story was certainly going to produce a lot of heart-stopping favourites!